Frequently Asked Questions

Is there parking space?

We have ample parking space, with basement parking and security watch 34/7

Are the 2 bedrooms the same size

There are various ranges of sizes with their corresponding affordable respective rates.

What type of commercial units are available?

They range from shops to storage go-downs, large enough to operate businesses from strategic locations.

What Do I Look for in Homes?

Comfort, security, affordability, and safety. We have endeavored to satisfy all those needs. Feel free to come to check us out.

Am I Ready to Rent?

Whether its starting out in life or looking to relocate, our rates are steady and affordable.

Can I Ask You for Advice?

Yes you can. Feel free to contact us, either via WhatsApp by clicking on the WhatsApp icon at the bottom left of the screen.

Let's Find You Together The Place You Deserve

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